Is it time for MLB to get real about the World Series?

Major League Baseball’s (MLB) preeminent event, the World Series just ended as the Texas Rangers achieved the 2023 crown.  The typical road to winning the series is eleven victories but, in some instances, a wild card team will need another win.  The Rangers triumphed over the Arizona Diamondbacks, who up until the word series were literally playing like “all world.”  Unfortunately, the Rangers clipped off Arizona’s rattler and in dubious fashion got swept at home, and the final blow last night was being shut out.  Congrats to all teams who earned the opportunity to play in the tournament.

Now that the games are over, some ask when will MLB come to its senses?  I am an admitted baseball junkie and grew up on the premise that baseball is America’s pastime.  But doesn’t the term World Series raise questions when in reality the tournament is comprised of MLB teams from the United States.  Granted, MLB has done a great job in internationalizing the teams as of the over 700 players, there is representation from those from countries around the globe.

Who forgets the Wizard of Oz, when poor Toto inadvertently pulled the curtain off what was supposed to be Oz only to find a man standing behind the curtain?  Thus, Oz’s reality of being a myth was uncovered.

The World Series has become part of our culture.  However, in fairness and keeping it real or being historically correct does the World Baseball Classic provide a better assessment of “World Champion?”

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